Industries Served

At Guided Ventures Group, we offer executive coaching and leadership advisory to develop emotionally intelligent leaders who can drive business growth through engaged, empowered teams.

Our experience and impact span decades of working both with and for organizations driving change and growth in multiple sectors. Today, we use that wisdom and experience to unlock the potential of leaders navigating change, complexity and transformation. Our coaching builds confidence, resilience, influence and connectivity.

We believe today’s greatest business challenge is developing leaders fast enough to meet the demands of change and expansion. All while preventing burnout and disengagement.

We support leaders with research-based tools to master critical skills like self-awareness, stress resilience, inspirational communication, change management, and team engagement. Unlike generic leadership training, our coaching and advisory services are customized to solve our client’s most pressing pain points across people, culture and strategy. We dive deep into emotional intelligence development and mindset shifts tailored to leader personalities and organizational needs.

When leaders are more confident and inspired in their role, it can lead to teams who are more willing to go the extra mile, stick around longer, and keep learning and growing – even when things get tough. And that’s a recipe for success!

Here’s how we help leaders excel in key industries:


Technology firms often promote technical experts into people leadership roles without training or development. Many of these leaders feel like “imposters” struggling to inspire and motivate teams. Our coaching quickly builds confidence and emotional intelligence skills tailored to technical experts who need to wear a leadership hat to be impactful and connect with others. We provide safe spaces for tech leaders to practice vulnerabilities, develop trust, and unlock the talents of teams through active listening, empathy and support.

Moreover, rapid growth and fierce competition lead to constant change and overwhelm in tech firms. Our coaching provides tools to help leaders and teams navigate uncertainty with resilience. We teach leaders to model work-life integration, bring more joy and connection into cultures obsessed with achievement. This builds inclusive, ethical and psychologically safe environments where people feel energized by purposeful change rather than exhausted by it.


Insurance firms rely on strategic networks of clients, partners, vendors and distribution channels. Yet many leaders struggle to consistently inspire external partners and align interests around shared goals. Our coaching strengthens influencer skills so leaders can motivate others beyond direct authority. We build relationship management abilities and teach leaders to balance candor with empathy when providing feedback. This drives clarity and engagement across complex, multi-channel distribution models.

Additionally, insurance leaders often juggle both big-picture strategies and complex operational details. The stress can lead to communication breakdowns and fragmented teamwork between groups. Our coaching develops self-management skills to enable clarity of thought and confidence to lead amidst complexity. We grow leaders’ capacity to simplify messages, connect strategy with operations, and foster inclusive cultures focused on ethical service and care for customers and partners.

Financial Services

Financial services leaders operate in pressure-cooker environments aligned around numbers, goals and bottom-line results. While driving performance is crucial, many leaders in this industry feel overwhelmed and risk burnout without enough emphasis on connection, engagement and wellbeing. Our coaching builds self-awareness, introspection and resilience skills that enable sustainable peak performance. We help these leaders balance achievement orientations with empathy, vulnerability and relationship-building across their teams.

Furthermore, new regulations and technologies are disrupting the financial sector. Stressed organizations often develop toxic politics and cultures amidst the pressure. Our coaching develops more emotionally intelligent leadership and clearer communication across executive teams. We guide financial services leaders to foster psychologically safe and inclusive cultures focused on ethics and values. This builds resilient, united teams that can navigate industry changes with less disruption.

Not-for-Profit and Non-Profit

Not-for-Profits (such as Co-Ops and Credit Unions) and Non-Profit leaders have a different set of challenges when it comes to their stakeholders. They may not have Wall Street breathing down their neck, but the pressure can be even more intense working with such a variety of potentially competing interests from members, to the community, to partners, to paid and volunteer boards. Leaders often feel pulled in many directions and priorities, leaving them overwhelmed.  Our coaching and strategy practices help leaders realize their core skills to manage productiveness, avoid fatigue, and lead teams with empathy through unrelenting change. Helping non-profit and not-for-profit leaders develop business strategies while developing the skills to execute on those strategies is critical.

Additionally, many of these organizations may rely heavily on networks of volunteers and partners to advance their purpose. Yet many leaders struggle to consistently motivate and align stakeholders beyond direct authority. Our coaching can strengthen influencer skills so leaders can inspire shared vision and rally whole ecosystems to come together for the mission. We help these leaders to balance facts with emotional resonance and lead from the heart and mind to engage partners. This builds collaboration and support to drive impact throughout their communities.

Business / Professional Services

Many business and professional services firms are growing rapidly or facing increased competition. Their leaders often feel overwhelmed trying to scale their skills and capacity fast enough to keep up. We help these clients build more effective leadership habits so they can lead larger teams, inspire loyalty and engagement, and retain top talent even in uncertain times. Our coaching enables these leaders to balance strategic thinking with empathy and connection. This allows them to motivate people to advance the organization’s goals while avoiding stress and burnout.

Additionally, professional services firms know their talent is their primary asset. Yet many struggle to foster consistent collaboration and knowledge sharing across siloed departments. Our team coaching can unlock more productive team dynamics by growing self-awareness and emotional intelligence skills in leaders. We guide leaders to nurture trust, accountability and transparent communication. This creates an inclusive culture where talent can thrive and client satisfaction improves.


Healthcare leaders face rising complexity managing clinical excellence, digital tools, regulations and business challenges simultaneously. Many feel overwhelmed, risking burnout and diminished engagement. Our coaching builds awareness of mechanisms used to manage stress, whether productive or not. Understanding this helps leaders build emotional intelligence skills, even during uncertainty, and sustain peak performance over the long-term. We help healthcare leaders prevent fatigue by balancing drives toward achievement with self-care, vulnerability, and mutually supportive teams.

Furthermore, healthcare is undergoing massive digital transformation while often facing talent scarcity. Organizations must better engage talent and foster agile, innovative cultures. Our coaching develops senior leaders with a clear vision and purpose. We teach leaders to connect strategy with empathy to inspire teams through complex changes. This builds cultures focused on purposeful growth and patient care, that is a magnet for A-team talent.