Develop the Buds:
Build Personal and Team Effectiveness
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
― Rumi
Working together as teams has never been more critical. Drawing on strengths and developing strong communication skills are even more important now that virtual is the new norm and social distancing has come to roost.
Team effectiveness comes from a place of understanding ourselves and each other. Going through times of crisis often lets us see our stress behaviors in how we show up.
Using deliberate and conscious methods to acknowledge how these play out for us personally and professionally provides fertilizer for growth and movement in reaching into a healthier and more productive version of ourselves and our teams. This time of slowing down in the world is a great opportunity for building trust with teams and going deeper together to come out the other side stronger and more resilient!
Personal and Team Effectiveness
- Intrinsic motivation and how to nurture it for discretionary effort and engagement
- Shifting mindsets – consultative, collaborative, expansion-based thinking for the future
- Team behaviors and dynamics
- Birkman Method for Team Effectiveness and Personal Awareness
- Enneagram for Self-Awareness and Compassion for Others